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Google Developers Agency Spotlight Presents: Surf Studio

  • Uploaded 7 years ago in the category Technology

    Surf Studio is passionate about building apps that are perfect for their clients’ needs by using Big Data and Machine Learning solutions.



    Surf Studio is passionate about building apps that are perfect for their clients’ needs by using Big Data and Machine Learning solutions.

    After becoming certified, Surf had the opportunity to design a mobile app for Labirint, one of the biggest online Russian bookstores.

    They created an Instant App for the client which allows people to simply Google the book and experience reading on Labirint's app without having to install it.

    Early access programs and advice from Google experts has enabled Surf to stay ahead of the curve and integrate the latest technologies and best Design practices into their projects.

    Surf: surfstudio.co/

    Google Play, Labirint: goo.gl/Gy7Eki

    Google Developers Agency Program: goo.gl/Qwnigs

    Subscribe to the Google Developers Channel: goo.gl/mQyv5L

  • # google# developers# agency# spotlight# presents:# surf# studio
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